
What Does It Mean When A Child Draws A Person With No Arms

kids drawings of people without arms- mean anything??

(32 Posts)

Bertolli Wed 25-Feb-09 21:20:25

Lilyloo Wed 25-Feb-09 21:21:07

MissisBoot Wed 25-Feb-09 21:21:33

they forgot to draw them on?

MayorNaze Wed 25-Feb-09 21:21:55

have they been watching beebies? dd2 keeps hiding her arm upwards her sleeve and saying "me am beebies lady."

MissisBoot Wed 25-Feb-09 21:22:07

sorry - just saw this was in education rather than chat

Mutt Wed 25-February-09 21:22:22

Message withdrawn at affiche's asking.

misdee Midweek 25-February-09 21:24:25

how sometime?

i didnt have legs for ages in dd'southward pictures.

NormaLeighLucid Wednesday 25-Feb-09 21:28:43

My DD (4) up until about 2 months ago always drew my boobs and ahem other $.25 so what does that hateful?

Bertolli Wed 25-February-09 21:28:51

LL- nearly 5 years old. And yeah, just no artillery on bodies only everything else is.

MB- no no, should accept put information technology in chat actually!

Mutt- yes this is what came up when i googled, but this is just not the instance hither..

Mutt Wednesday 25-Feb-09 21:31:10

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Lilyloo Wed 25-Feb-09 21:33:42

dd just turned four we have no centre just a head with legs , occasionally arms just ever long curly hair grin
Are yous seriously worried ?

Bertolli Wed 25-Feb-09 21:38:05

Yeah, i think yous're right about reading too much into stuff sometimes.

Information technology only caught my attending because a friend of mines kid is seeing a kid psychologist and she was saying that they had noticed she drew people without artillery and was sure it was significant..

I later glanced at a drawing of our family on the fridge and noticed in that location were no arms on any of us!!!!

Then i checked out his other pictures and sure enough, no artillery. Wierd how i hadn't noticed, eh??!

MissisBoot Midweek 25-February-09 21:43:16

Hold its piece of cake to read into things.

DD went through a phase of putting magnets over her confront on pictures on the fridge. In my head I was worried nigh self esteem problems - in reality she was probably merely seeing if the magnet shape covered the shape of her head

Bertolli Wed 25-Feb-09 21:43:48

No, I'm not worried really. Just curious i suppose..

1 frightening affair i read in a piece on case studies was no artillery plus willy/ bits can= sexual abuse

However, this is surely not the case here. The only people he has ever stayed with away from me are grandparents.

Bertolli Wednesday 25-Feb-09 21:46:39

I need to get a grip and a good nights sleep i think.
And mayhap get a life smile

tiggerlovestobounce Wed 25-Feb-09 21:57:57

I remember that no artillery is a developmental stage that children go through when learning to draw, a bit similar faithfully drwaing a abdomen button on anybody they depict (My kids did that anyway grin).

I retrieve that the fleck about no arms + genitalia suggesting abouse is that it would exist out of keeping developmentally to be at the stage of missing out the arms, nevertheless to be aware enough of ballocks to put that in. I dont think no arms alone would have the same potential significance.

Bertolli Wed 25-Feb-09 22:03:16

How-do-you-do tigger, that'south the thing, he does draw in willies!

MollieO Wed 25-Feb-09 22:sixteen:02

I wouldn't worry. My ds is 4 and in reception. His course painted self portraits that were put upwardly on display at the classblock entrance. Lots of them were really good and identifiable of the children who had painted them. One looked similar something out of a horror moving picture - my ds's! I was mortified when I first saw it and then proud - he plainly inherited his mum's rubbish painting skills! He bought information technology home today and so I asked him what he had painted "It's me mummy, picking up a doughnut!" smile

tiggerlovestobounce Wed 25-Feb-09 22:19:13

Oh blush
Are yous sure information technology is a willie and not simply a misplaced arm? grin
When my DD2 was that age she used to draw everyone with a unmarried, long pilus coming out of their head, and curling around the page. Its fascinating how their drawing skills develop isnt information technology.

Bertolli Wednesday 25-February-09 22:22:xviii

lol at misplaced arm! grin

Yeah, they are utterly fascinating, these little people of ours smile

skramble Midweek 25-Feb-09 22:29:12

Its totally normal, its baby logic, if the arms are not important to the flick they just don't draw them, if they were doing somthing in the picture like switching on a light or holding a ball an arm will appear. They just describe legs equally they are holding our bums off the footing grin.

ingles2 Midweek 25-Feb-09 22:35:40

I'm sure information technology's not important your lack of arms grin
I tin can remember ds1's nursery being very concerned for a while as he would only describe in blackness crayon! That'll be considering it makes the strongest mark then, not considering he is depressed!
Anway, his drawings were perfect every bit a tiny tot, everything in it's right place etc, now he's ix I can tell you he doesn't have an ounce of creativity or imagination smile
.. ds2 on the other hand, square heads, triangular bodies, 3 legs in some cases is the near artistic soul you could always meet and all the same does wonderful drawings full of character and personality even if they aren't authentic.

Bertolli Wednesday 25-Feb-09 22:39:03

Oh cheers all. What dearest folk yous are. I am reassured smile

katiestar Thu 26-Feb-09 ten:29:53

here we are -stages of childrens drawings
Lots of people with no arms !!

t875 Thu 26-February-09 xi:58:16

I wouldnt worry about it. They are interested in cartoon other things or not much at that historic period. wink

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