
How To Draw A Childs Head

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Please have a look at the Sitemap  where you will find more than nice resources nigh drawing.


  • Part Three: Babies' Heads
      • Plate 51. Proportions of the baby caput – offset year
      • Plate 52. Proportions of the baby caput – second and 3rd years
      • Plate 53. Structure of the infant head
      • Plate 54. Sketches of babies
      • Plate 55. Studies of babies
      • Plate 56. More studies of babies
      • Plate 57. Some more studies of babies
      • Plate 58. The four divisions of the face, third and quaternary years



Function Three: Babies' Heads

Drawing babies is almost a co-operative of art in itself. However the illustrator and commercial artist may be called upon quite frequently to include them in his work. Babies also make particularly attractive pictures for framing; when they are well done, almost families are delighted with them.

If the baby head is understood, information technology is actually no harder to depict than any other caput, and sometimes not as hard. The reason is that the artist is dealing much more than with construction and proportion than with beefcake. The skull is important, as always, only the muscles are so deeply hidden that they hardly afreet the surface. As Plates 51 and 52 prove, the proportions are somewhat dissimilar from those in the adult caput.

In the baby caput the bone structure is not yet completely adult. The jawbone, cheekbones. and the bridge of the nose are relatively much smaller. This makes the baby confront smaller in proportion to the skull, so that the face, from the brows down, only occupies about one-quarter of the whole area of the head. The cartilages of the nose are way ahead of the bone construction, and so the little olfactory organ commonly turns up, considering the bridge above it is rounded and shut to the plane of the face up. The upper lip is longer, and the chin, being undeveloped, unremarkably recedes or is well under the lips.

Only the iris of the heart is fully developed, which makes the eyes appear big and buttony. They appear to be further apart than the average developed's eyes considering they remainder in a smaller head. Eyes set too shut together are unpleasant in a baby confront and tin can spoil a drawing. A baby's caput can best be studied when the baby is sleeping. Otherwise we must plough to photographs or magazine illustrations. Babies are bound to wriggle and there is nothing that we can do about it. Information technology is therefore of cracking importance to prepare the general or average proportions in your memory. You volition find that a certain blockiness of planes and edges as well helps to put vitality into a drawing of a baby. Babies' faces are and then smooth and so round that if nosotros re-create that quality too meticulously the final event may lack character.

If yous arc disturbed by seeing edges of planes in a drawing of a baby face information technology is probably because yous are as well shut to your cartoon. Step back before yous change it. Maude Tousey Fangel, ane of the greatest baby artists, draws quite vigorously in angles and planes. Mary Cassatt, the Impressionist painter and educatee of Degas, also had this quality in her work.

Plate 53 shows that the general shape of the infant's head is a burl fastened to a round ball. The distances upwardly and down between the features are relatively brusque, and the face seems quite wide. The beginning build-up of the basic shape should have that beautiful babe look.

In the sketches in Plate 54, the eyes rest in the lower half of the first quarter division. The pinnacle line is the line of the brows; the nose rests on the line of the second sectionalisation; the corners of the lips on the third; and the chin drops slightly below the line of the quaternary division.

Plate 58 shows the iv divisions for children three to four years onetime. Note that the brows are a little above the superlative line, and the olfactory organ, eyes, and oral cavity have been raised above the segmentation lines. These changes make the infant look slightly older. Actually, we have allowed a little more chin and thereby lengthened the face slightly. Plates 55, 56, and 57 prove a number of baby heads, all drawn with the foregoing proportions, simply differing a lilliputian in character as a result of slight differences in the placement of features and the relationship of the confront to the skull. Though the proportions vary merely slightly, babies' skulls may differ considerably in shape. We find loftier, depression, or elongated skulls in babies as well as in adults.


Plate 51



Plate 51. Proportions of the baby caput – first year

Changes in the babe skull have identify very rapidly from the moment of birth through the first twelvemonth or two. It is in the babe stage that the skull takes shape. The original shape may be due to prenatal pressures and the degree of hardness of the os. After birth the os tends to adjust to the conditions imposed upon it, the growth of the brain, the closing of the sections of the skull at the top of the cranium, which nature left open and pliable to facilitate birth. Racial skull types are inherited, but the individual type tin can exist purely a matter of circumstance.

In the baby the cranium is much larger in proportion to the face up than information technology is in the adult. The face to the brows occupies almost i-fourth of the whole head. This sets the optics below the halfway point. The nearly convenient mode to set up the baby confront is in quarter points. The nose, the corners of the mouth, and the chin come much closer to falling on these points.

Equally the baby caput develops, the face up gets longer in proportion to the cranium, which has the effect of moving the eyes and brows upward in the head. Actually, the development of the lower jaw brings that downward. and the olfactory organ and upper jaw too lengthen. Every bit a upshot of these changes the eyes of an adult, and even of a teen-ager, are on the heart line of the head. It is most of import to know this, considering the setting of the optics in relation to the middle line across the face is the direct mode to found the age of a child. The iris is fully adult in the baby, and will never get any larger; consequently the optics await much smaller in the adult face. However, the opening between the eyelids does widen, then that we see more of the eyeball in an adult than we exercise in a babe.


Plate 52



Plate 52. Proportions of the baby caput – second and third years

By the 2nd and third yr the eyes are most halfway up the top quarter space, which I have designated the number 1 space. The olfactory organ and mouth likewise appear to have moved up, and the brows now appear to be above the halfway line. Now the lips just touch the bottom of the third space. The ear has not reachcd the halfway line. However, the confront has reached the proportions of iii spaces: hairline to brow, brow to bottom of nose, bottom of nose to bottom of chin. Actually these three spaces are even so condensed, and each will grow farther. But they maintain their proportions to one another while growing. The ear is withal well beneath the centre crossline. Note the line divided into thirds in the correct half of the first drawing.

When drawing babies and children it seems easier to maintain 4 divisions than to use the three divisions of an adult face. While the actual head is much smaller, the spaces between the features are proportionately wider. The eyes are wider apart; the upper lip is longer; the space from eye to ear appears very wide. You accept to struggle with these proportions in lodge to make a baby look like a baby and not like a picayune old bald man. The baby mouth is more pursed when relaxed. The upper lip rises sharply to its peak and normally protrudes. The chin is small and well under, with ofttimes a trivial fatty under it. Babies' ears vary a great deal, some being quite small-scale and others quite large. They are usually rounder and appear thicker in comparison to the face. Babies' brows are usually light and thin or even quite transparent. They are usually much more axiomatic in darkhaired children. The olfactory organ is normally modest and upturned, and quite rounded. The bridge of the nose is fairly circular since information technology has not had time to develop. The cheeks are extended and full.


Plate 53



Plate 53. Construction of the baby head

In drawing a very young baby, draw the ball and plane with the facial aeroplane much shorter. Put the brows on the halfway line. Separate the face from the brows down into four parts. The eyes touch on the bottom line of the top segmentation. The nose touches the bottom line of the 2nd segmentation. The corners of the mouth fall on the bottom line of the tertiary division, and the chin drops slightly below the fourth or bottom division. The ear is nether the halfway line.


Plate 54



Plate 54. Sketches of babies


Plate 55



Plate 55. Studies of babies

The magazines are full of baby pictures, and these are best to practice from, since no babe will hold still long enough for anyone who is non thoroughly familiar with baby proportions to draw from life. The best i can do is to make fast sketches. For this reason finished pictures of babies are usually fatigued from photographs, as are the ones on this page.


Plate 56



Plate 56. More studies of babies

As babies grow more pilus, they look older, although the proportions have changed simply slightly. Some babies develop long eyelashes, which, with their already large and widely spaced optics, give a great deal of appeal. Go like shooting fish in a barrel on the eyebrows; keep them fragile.


Plate 57



Plate 57. Some more studies of babies

Call up to keep the bridge of the nose low and concave and the ii piddling round nostrils rather widely spaced. Let the upper lip beetle when the infant is non smiling. Fix the ears fairly low, and the mentum circular and well under. Go along the cheeks loftier and full. Yous volition commonly want to add light tone with a highlight.


Plate 58



Plate 58. The four divisions of the face, third and 4th years



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