
Mathematics For The Life Sciences Pdf

Mathematics for the Life Sciences


for the Life Sciences

Erin N. Bodine

Suzanne Lenhart

Louis J. Gross


Copyright © 2014 by Princeton University Press

Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton,

New Jersey 08540

In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 6 Oxford Street,

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All Rights Reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bodine, Erin N.

Mathematics for the life sciences / Erin N. Bodine, Suzanne Lenhart, Louis J. Gross.

pages cm

Summary: The life sciences deal with a vast array of problems at different spatial, temporal, and organizational scales. The mathematics necessary to describe, model, and analyze these problems is similarly diverse, incorporating quantitative techniques that are rarely taught in standard undergraduate courses. This textbook provides an accessible introduction to these critical mathematical concepts, linking them to biological observation and theory while also presenting the computational tools needed to address problems not readily investigated using mathematics alone. Proven in the classroom and requiring only a background in high school math, Mathematics for the Life Sciences doesn't just focus on calculus as do most other textbooks on the subject. It covers deterministic methods and those that incorporate uncertainty, problems in discrete and continuous time, probability, graphing and data analysis, matrix modeling, difference equations, differential equations, and much more. The book uses Matlab throughout, explaining how to use it, write code, and connect models to data in examples chosen from across the life sciences. The text provides undergraduate life science students with a succinct overview of major mathematical concepts that are essential for modern biology, covers all the major quantitative concepts that national reports have identified as the ideal components of an entry-level course for life science students, and provides good background for the MCAT, which now includes data-based and statistical reasoning. The book explicitly links data and math modeling, includes end-of-chapter homework problems, end-of-unit student projects, select answers to homework problems, and provides an online supplement with Matlab m-files and an R supplement. It prepares students to read with comprehension the growing quantitative literature across the life sciences, gives an online answer key, solution guide, and illustration package (available to professors)—Provided by publisher.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-691-15072-7 (hardback)

1. Biology—Mathematical models. 2. Mathematics. I. Lenhart, Suzanne. II. Gross, Louis J. III. Title.

QH323.5.B63 2014



British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available

Printed on acid-free paper. ∞

Printed in the United States of America

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This book is dedicated to Bryan and Vellie Barnes, Peter and Phillip Andreae, and Marilyn Kallet and Heather Gross.




UNIT 1    Descriptive Statistics

CHAPTER 1    Basic Descriptive Statistics

1.1    Types of Biological Data

1.2    Summary of Descriptive Statistics of Data Sets

1.3    Matlab Skills

1.4    Exercises

CHAPTER 2    Visual Display of Data

2.1    Introduction

2.2    Frequency Distributions

2.3    Bar Charts and Histograms

2.4    Scatter Plots

2.5    Matlab Skills

2.6    Exercises

CHAPTER 3    Bivariate Data and Linear Regression

3.1    Introduction to Linear Regression

3.2    Bivariate Data

3.3    Linear Analysis of Data

3.4    Correlation

3.5    Matlab Skills

3.6    Exercises

CHAPTER 4    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

4.1    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions in Biology

4.2    Review of Exponential and Logarithm Properties

4.3    Allometry

4.4    Rescaling Data: Log-Log and Semilog Graphs

4.5    Matlab Skills

4.6    Exercises

UNIT 1    Student Projects

UNIT 2    Discrete Time Modeling

CHAPTER 5    Sequences and Discrete Difference Equations

5.1    Sequences

5.2    Limit of a Sequence

5.3    Discrete Difference Equations

5.4    Geometric and Arithmetic Sequences

5.5    Linear Difference Equation with Constant Coefficients

5.6    Introduction to Pharmacokinetics

5.7    Matlab Skills

5.8    Exercises

CHAPTER 6    Vectors and Matrices

6.1    Vector Structure: Order Matters!

6.2    Vector Algebra

6.3    Dynamics: Vectors Changing over Time

6.4    Matlab Skills

6.5    Exercises

CHAPTER 7    Matrix Algebra

7.1    Matrix Arithmetic

7.2    Applications

7.3    Matlab Skills

7.4    Exercises

CHAPTER 8    Long-Term Dynamics or Equilibrium

8.1    Notion of an Equilibrium

8.2    Eigenvectors

8.3    Stability

8.4    Matlab Skills

8.5    Exercises

CHAPTER 9    Leslie Matrix Models and Eigenvalues

9.1    Leslie Matrix Models

9.2    Long-Term Growth Rate (Eigenvalues)

9.3    Long-Term Population Structure (Corresponding Eigenvectors)

9.4    Matlab Skills

9.5    Exercises

UNIT 2    Student Projects

UNIT 3    Probability

CHAPTER 10    Probability of Events

10.1    Sample Spaces and Events

10.2    Probability of an Event

10.3    Combinations and Permutations

10.4    Binomial Experiments

10.5    Matlab Skills

 10.6    Exercises

CHAPTER 11    Probability of Compound Events

11.1    Compound Events

11.2    Finding the Probability of a Compound Event

11.3    Probability Viewed as Darts Tossed at a Dart Board

11.4    Matlab Skills

 11.5    Exercises

CHAPTER 12    Conditional Probability

12.1    Conditional Probability

12.2    Independence

12.3    Matlab Skills

 12.4    Exercises

CHAPTER 13    Sequential Events

13.1    Partition Theorem

13.2    Bayes' Theorem

 13.3    Exercises

CHAPTER 14    Population Genetics Models

14.1    Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

14.2    Hardy-Weinberg Selection Model

14.3    Exercises

UNIT 3    Student Projects

UNIT 4    Limits and Continuity

CHAPTER 15    Limits of Functions

15.1    Limit of a Function

15.2    Limit Properties

15.3    Matlab Skills

 15.4    Exercises

CHAPTER 16    Limits of Continuous Functions

16.1    Right and Left Limits

16.2    Continuity

16.3    Intermediate Value Theorem

16.4    Matlab Skills

16.5    Exercises

UNIT 4    Student Projects

UNIT 5    Derivatives

CHAPTER 17    Rates of Change

17.1    Average Rate of Change

17.2    Estimating Rates of Change for Data

17.3    Velocity

17.4    Photosynthesis

17.5    Other Examples of Rates of Change

17.6    Definition of a Derivative at a Point

17.7    Matlab Skills

 17.8    Exercises

CHAPTER 18    Derivatives of Functions

18.1    Concept of a Derivative

18.2    Limit Definition of a Derivative of a Function

18.3    Derivatives of Exponential Functions

18.4    Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

18.5    Derivatives and Continuity

18.6    Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions

18.7    Matlab Skills

 18.8    Exercises

CHAPTER 19    Computing Derivatives

19.1    Derivatives of Frequently Used Functions

19.2    The Chain Rule for the Composition of Functions

19.3    Quotient and Reciprocal Rules

19.4    Exponential Models

19.5    Higher Derivatives

 19.6    Exercises

CHAPTER 20    Using Derivatives to Find Maxima and Minima

20.1    Maxima and Minima

20.2    First Derivative Test

20.3    Mean Value Theorem

20.4    Concavity

20.5    Optimization Problems

20.6    Matlab Skills

20.7    Exercises

UNIT 5    Student Projects

UNIT 6    Integration

CHAPTER 21    Estimating the Area under a Curve

21.1    The Area under a Curve

21.2    Increasing the Accuracy of the Area Estimation

21.3    Area below the Horizontal Axis

21.4    Matlab Skills

 21.5    Exercises

CHAPTER 22    Antiderivatives and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

22.1    Definition of an Integral

22.2    Antiderivatives

22.3    Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

22.4    Antiderivatives and Integrals

22.5    Average Values

22.6    Matlab Skills

 22.7    Exercises

CHAPTER 23    Methods of Integration

23.1    Substitution Method

23.2    Integration by Parts

 23.3    Exercises

CHAPTER 24    Applications of Integrals to Area and Volume

24.1    The Area between Two Curves

24.2    The Volume of a Solid of Revolution

24.3    Density Functions

 24.4    Exercises

CHAPTER 25    Probability in a Continuous Context

25.1    Expected Value and Median Value

25.2    Normal Distribution

25.3    Waiting Times

25.4    Matlab Skills

25.5    Exercises

UNIT 6    Student Projects

UNIT 7    Introduction to Differential Equations

CHAPTER 26    Separation of Variables

26.1    Separation of Variables Method

26.2    Matlab Skills

 26.3    Exercises

CHAPTER 27    Equilibria and Limited Population Growth

27.1    Models of Limited Population Growth

27.2    Equilibria and Stability

27.3    Homeostasis

 27.4    Exercises

CHAPTER 28    Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates

28.1    Explicitly and Implicitly Defined Functions

28.2    Implicit Differentiation

28.3    Related Rates

28.4    Exercises

UNIT 7    Student Projects


Appendix A

Appendix B

Answers to Selected Problems



Science is thought to be a process of pure reductionism, taking the meaning out of mystery, explaining everything away, concentrating all our attention on measuring things and counting them up. It is not like this at all. The scientific method is guesswork, the making up of stories. The difference between this and other imaginative works of the human mind is that science is then obliged to find out whether the guesses are correct, the stories true. Curiosity drives the enterprise, and the open acknowledgement of ignorance.

(Lewis Thomas, Sierra Club Bulletin, March/April 1982, p. 52)

The above quote from Lewis Thomas is a wonderfully succinct summary of the scientific process. It includes two main components that directly relate to the objectives of this text: the making up of stories and how we find out whether the guesses are correct, the stories true. The stories we tell in science are called theories and models. Theories may be thought of as a general summary of how the world works, developed from many observations (in biology these would be in natural systems and in laboratory settings) and allowing us to generate hypotheses about what we expect to occur under different circumstances. Models are elaborations of particular aspects of theories, developed to elucidate specific issues that the theory can address.

A major theory in biology is that an organism's characteristics (morphology, size, physiology, behavior, etc.) are shaped by the processes of natural selection. Organisms with characteristics that enable them to better survive and reproduce are selected for. This means that, over time, all else being held fixed, organisms with those characteristics will increase in frequency, if such characteristics are heritable. Here, heritability means that the tendency to display such characteristics is possible to pass on to the organism's offspring. This is the essence of evolution by natural selection, and this general theory has produced an enormous number of hypotheses that have been found to be accurate from observations and experiments on a vast array of organisms and biological systems.

A large number of models rely on the theory of evolution to make predictions about the genetics, behavior, morphology, and relationships between organisms. These models allow us to predict the genetic response of bacteria populations in a human or livestock host to antibiotic use, the changes in strains of the HIV virus in an infected individual, the circumstances under which we expect to find organisms that reproduce once during their lifetime as compared to those that reproduce several times, and what shapes and sizes of leaves we expect to find on plants in desert versus those in temperate systems.

The second component of the above quote deals with determining whether our scientific stories are correct. This is done by using data of all types to determine whether the model hypotheses and predictions are consistent with the data. We call this process testing or evaluating models, and the first part of this text deals with some of the basic methods for using data to test models. This is part of the field of statistics, and an objective in this text is to help you appreciate how we can use the methods of descriptive statistics to summarize and display data. It is then possible to use these data summaries to evaluate model hypotheses. Throughout this text, we will use data to point out the utility of mathematics in investigating biological questions. We have chosen examples with data from across the biological sciences, but we make no attempt to cover the huge breadth of examples that could be used to illustrate each mathematical topic.

Models in biology can be of several different types. They can be expressed verbally, mathematically, or in computer language. Models can also be real in the sense that biomedical science often uses animal models as substitutes for humans or uses cultures of cells to investigate responses that would be more difficult to determine from experiments on whole organisms. Similarly, rather than trying to carry out experiments on whole ecosystems, ecologists use microcosms and mesocosms (think of these as aquaria and terraria with different collections of species within them) to determine how the ecosystem might respond to changes, such as harvesting.

In using any of these models, we should ask the same basic questions: what is the objective for the model (e.g., what do you want to use the model to learn about), and how you would assess whether the model is useful for the purposes for which you intend to use it? In biomedical science, for example, there is a large literature on the use of animal models that provide some guidance as to whether a particular animal (or cell) is an appropriate model to use to address a question for which the ultimate goal is to relate the results to humans. Unfortunately, there is little agreement on the best ways to determine whether a particular model is correct, and so mice may be used as a surrogate for humans, for example, in evaluating the efficacy of a new drug, but the response of the mice may be quite different from what a human response would be to the drug.

Our objective in this text is to help you learn about the variety of mathematical methods used to create and evaluate models in biology. The general aim of the text is to show how mathematics and associated computational tools may be used to explore and explain a wide variety of biological phenomena that are not easily understood with verbal reasoning alone or from simply analyzing the data that come from experiments. We provide an introduction to mathematical topics that have been found to be of use in analyzing problems arising across the biological sciences. So we expect that it will be useful if you are a student in biology, agriculture, forestry, wildlife, veterinary science, pre-medicine, or another pre-health profession. Our goal is to provide an overview rather than a detailed introduction to any particular topic. We assume that you have had prior exposure to high school algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

Another objective of the text is to point out the utility of computational methods and to encourage you to develop a basic understanding of the underlying ideas of computer programming. While you have likely been using computers throughout your education and in many facets of your everyday life, we suspect that a large fraction of the readers of this text will have had little if any prior experience with the underlying programming (often called coding) that determines what a computer does. Computational methods have become more and more prevalent throughout biology, and we believe it is important for modern biologists to be aware of the basic ideas of computer algorithms. For that reason, we have chosen to illustrate examples throughout the text using the computer tool Matlab. This provides a means to address more complicated biological questions than we could otherwise do with only hand calculations or using a standard numerical calculator. We also use Matlab to help you learn about some of the basic coding constructs that underlie all digital computers.

Modeling is the creative process by which a model is developed. This includes determining the objectives for which the model is being developed, the choice and construction of the model, the evaluation criteria to be used to determine if the model is useful for the purposes for which it is being constructed, and an iterative procedure for model modification (or elimination if the approach is deemed unsuitable) to meet the objectives. Modeling is often inherent in the scientific process of observation, identifying patterns, hypothesis formulation, setting criteria to evaluate the hypotheses, abstracting the key features of the system under consideration, carrying out further observation or experiment, and evaluating the hypotheses based on the chosen criteria. The abstraction carried out in the scientific process typically involves a model or set of models that are applied to suggest appropriate experiments or observations and infer the implications of the assumptions inherent in the abstraction. The modeling process can point out the need for more data in order to create a useful model, and, as is true of science, models are modified regularly to incorporate new features and account for new data.

While this text includes many models, it is not our objective to teach you how to be effective in doing the modeling necessary to develop new models. Rather, we expect that the concepts and skills we incorporate in the text will help you appreciate the variety of components of the modeling process, including assessing hypotheses based on data, formulating a mathematical description of a system based on assumptions, and determining the implication of the assumptions by analyzing the model. The models we use throughout the text are designed to help you develop intuition for the concepts and techniques considered. So we use models mainly to motivate the utility of the mathematics being discussed and to illustrate how the mathematics can provide insight in the life sciences and be related back to observations. Given the proliferation of mathematical models in every area of the life sciences, our intent is also to help you read critically the literature in your chosen area. One of the benefits of learning mathematics is that the same concepts and methods often apply in diverse areas so that you will see the same mathematical tools used in very different areas of biology. Many fine texts that present models in particular subdisciplines of the life sciences are available. Our expectation is that after you complete this text, you will be well prepared to expand your expertise by reading through other, more specialized texts on modeling in biology in areas as diverse as pharmacokinetics, population ecology, cell signaling, and genomics.

Summary of Goals for This Text

•  Develop a reader's ability to quantitatively analyze problems arising in the biological areas of interest to them.

•  Illustrate the great utility of mathematical models to provide answers to key biological problems.

•  Develop an appreciation of the diversity of mathematical approaches that are useful in the life sciences.

•  Provide experience using computer software to analyze data, investigate mathematical models, and provide some exposure to programming.

The methods utilized in this text to meet these goals include the following:

1.  Encouraging hypothesis formulation and testing for both the biological and the mathematical topics covered.

2.  Encouraging investigation of real-world biological problems through the use of data.

3.  Reducing rote memorization of mathematical formulae and rules through the use of Matlab.

4.  Providing biological motivation for each main mathematical component introduced through a set of examples that are returned to regularly.

Note to Instructors

Although long considered the language of science, mathematics has slowly become more integral to biological fields as it has been historically in chemistry and physics. Although there is a long history of mathematical approaches in certain areas of biology, it has been only within the past two decades that an appreciation for the ubiquitous utility of mathematics has arisen across the life sciences. Several national reports (e.g., BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists from the National Research Council in 2003, the 2009 HHMI/AAMC report on Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians, and the NSF/AAAS 2011 Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education report) have pointed out the need for quantitative and computational components to be closely linked to all areas of biology education.

Happily, a large number of new texts are devoted to the interface of mathematics and biology, with several of these focused on entry-level courses for life scientists. In most cases, these texts focus first on calculus topics. The pedagogy of the courses for which this text has been developed over the past two decades is that an entry-level course should provide an introduction to the variety of mathematical topics of importance in many areas of biology and that this goes well beyond the calculus that is typically part of an entry-level course sequence for undergraduates in science. The course was fostered by discussions at two workshops at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in the early 1990s at which gatherings of leading quantitative biologists encouraged a broad-based collection of material be included, with ample motivation by biological data. Additional information gathered by LJG noted that one of the most critical skills that biology faculty felt their undergraduates needed that was not being adequately addressed was interpreting and making graphs. Thus, this text starts with biological data and its analysis, developing basic concepts in descriptive statistics that are rarely included in entry-level math courses for life science students. Additional discussions with numerous faculty led LJG to compose a set of quantitative concepts that ideally all undergraduate life science students would be exposed to during their undergraduate careers. This set of concepts was included in the BIO 2010 report and includes rates of change, scale, equilibria, stability, structure, interactions, stochasticity, visualizing, and algorithms. This text provides introductory material for each of these concepts in a relatively simple mathematical framework using questions motivated by biological data.

One of the major themes of the undergraduate mathematics education reform movement over the past several decades has been the Rule of Four. This acknowledges that students have diverse learning styles and that it is appropriate to incorporate alternative methods to enhance quantitative concept and skill comprehension through four complementary approaches: symbolic, numerical, graphical, and verbal. From our experience guiding life science students through quantitative courses over many decades, we have found that an additional approach can be beneficial: providing motivation for the concept or skill through observations and data on biological topics about which the students have some direct experience (e.g., heart rate changes during exercise, drug dosing, and growth of pets or gardens) or intuition from our activities as living beings (e.g., population changes and seasonal and diurnal changes of organism behavior). We thus posit that for interdisciplinary courses and readers, for which this text is designed, it is appropriate to follow a Rule of Five for conceptual development that includes biological data and examples that enhance intuition regarding the concepts.

In the units of this text, we try to incorporate each of these five components of learning development in the expectation that this will not only cover all potential learning styles of readers but additionally reinforce appreciation for the utility of mathematics by making explicit connections to biology. In this process, we realize that many readers may well have limited formal exposure to the science of biology (as opposed to our own direct experiences as organisms), so we have tried to limit inclusion of biological areas that typical students would not be exposed to until beyond the first year of their curriculum and about which they likely would have little intuition. This necessarily has focused our examples at levels of the biological hierarchy above the molecule and cell, with little emphasis on biochemistry, systems biology and biophysics of the cell, developmental biology, and neurobiology. We encourage instructors to enhance the biological topic coverage with examples from their own experience that may assist in student comprehension and would definitely appreciate suggestions based on your experiences in introducing these.

Using This Text

The topic coverage and approach we follow is concordant with suggestions in the reports on U.S. undergraduate life science education mentioned above. The text can be utilized in several ways to help institutions meet learning goals for life science students. This text has been used in draft form over the past 5 years for a two-semester, 3-credit-hour sequence taken by many life science and agriculture students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In this form, it has been taught by a broad range of mathematics and life science faculty, instructors, and graduate students.

The format has been both one with small sections of approximately 30 students meeting three times weekly and one with a large-lecture format for up to 200 students with two large-class 50-minute meetings per week and a single 85-minute lab/practice session. The coverage has been essentially the entire text, with the first course covering Units 1 through 3 and the second covering Units 4 through 7. A summary of the course structure and discussion of the challenges in teaching a course covering the diverse topics included is in Gross [31].

While many national reports on life science education encourage incorporation of a diversity of quantitative concepts and skills as undergraduate learning objectives, a large fraction of formal course requirements for life science majors include only calculus. However, the MCAT exam structure has changed to include data-based and statistical reasoning while noting that an understanding of calculus is not required. We recognize that as a foundational quantitative approach in much of modern science and engineering, many institutions wish to maintain a calculus emphasis in their life science curricula. Thus, we have tried to make the text portion that focuses on continuous methods, Units 4 through 7, self-contained so that it can be utilized for a single-semester course if desired. Drafts of the text have been used in this manner for several years at Unity College, for which the course has begun with Sections 5.1 and 5.2 on sequences and their limits and then moved to Unit 4. In this case, if Matlab is being used, the instructor may wish to incorporate a initial lab period that covers the basic Matlab procedures and constructs included in earlier units.

If more class time is available in a single introductory course for which a calculus emphasis is desired, we suggest starting with Unit 1, continuing with Sections 5.1 and 5.2, and then moving to Units 4 through 7. This will provide background on many of the data analysis skills required for the MCAT (e.g., using, analyzing, and interpreting data in figures; using measures of central tendency and dispersion to describe data; and recognizing and interpreting linear, semilog, and log-log scales and calculating slopes from data found in figures). Linking this with a biostatistics course that includes hypothesis testing would then provide sufficient background for all quantitative components of the MCAT while also providing an overview of calculus. An alternative, for a single course that empasizes noncalculus topics, is to include Units 1 through 3. This may then be followed with a biostatistics course for those students who wish to prepare only for the MCAT, a course based on Units 4 through 7 of this text, or a calculus course or sequence developed for a broader audience of students.

We have incorporated Matlab throughout this text both to introduce basic constructs used in computer coding and to introduce the concepts of algorithms that are applied throughout computational methods used in every area of science. However, the text components related to Matlab are included at the end of each chapter and may be skipped. Because of the ongoing growth of the use of the R language in many areas of biology, an online adjunct to this text is available that uses R rather than Matlab for all the sections at the end of chapters.


This text has its roots in a long-standing course sequence (Math 151-2) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, that was started by Tom Hallam in the late 1970s. For many years, the course sequence used a fine text by the late Michael Cullen and has been taught by over 50 instructors to thousands of students. An unpublished text by Simon Levin from which LJG taught at Cornell University had a similar emphasis on breadth of mathematical topics as the text by Michael, and we thank all three of these individuals for the inspiration that led to the series of workshops that LJG organized in the early 1990s and to this book.

Given the length of gestation of this text, there are many people with whom we have had conversations, participated with in workshops on math biology education, and have given presentations to about our efforts. We make no attempt here to acknowledge everyone involved over the years, but we particularly want to thank the following individuals who have contributed directly to the text, noting that we may not have always followed their advice and that whatever errors occur in judgment about topic and example inclusion are ours alone. Marco Martinez, Carrie Eaton, Jason Bintz, Evan Lancaster, Jillian Trask, Ashley Rand, Folashade Agusto, Heather Finotti, Vitaly Ganusov, Ben Levy, Steve Fassino, Jeremy Auerbach, Donna Stein, Michael Lawton, Ellie Abernethy, Jack Kilislian, and Rachael Miller Neilan provided many comments on the drafts of the text. Marco Martinez and Jason Bintz completed almost all of the problem solutions, and Tyler Massaro helped with R software.

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) has provided significant support for this text, and we appreciate the support of the National Science Foundation through Awards EF-0832858 and DBI-1300426 to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, that provided us with an opportunity to develop this text but that also supported many researchers in mathematical biology over the past 5 years with whom we have discussed the text. We have received very helpful reviews of the text from several anonymous individuals who led us to rethink portions of the text, and we hope they will concur that it is improved because of their efforts. Several other individuals provided detailed comments on the text at various stages, and we appreciate their kindness in taking the time to assist us.

As all text authors know, the successful completion of a text depends on the kindness of family members. Our families have generously allowed us to spend long hours well beyond the normal workweek to develop this text, and we greatly appreciate their love and thoughtful allowance for our efforts away from family responsibilities. Thanks to Bryan and Vellie Barnes, Peter Andreae, and Marilyn Kallet.

Finally, the editorial guidance provided by several people at Princeton University Press has provided not only much-needed advice but also the time and flexibility to allow us to create a text that we hope will inspire many readers as it has inspired us during its development. Alison Kalett has been consistent and generous with her efforts to obtain excellent reviews, and her insight has greatly assisted us. Vickie Kearn gave us her support and encouragement and Mark Bellis and Quinn Fusting helped assure that the marketing and production processes went smoothly. Diane Kohnen and the staff of S4Carlisle Publishing dealt meticulously and patiently with many modifications of the initial draft.

Erin N. Bodine

Suzanne Lenhart

Louis J. Gross

Mathematics for the Life Sciences



Descriptive Statistics

We begin our study of the mathematics used in the life sciences with a unit that explores how we understand data mathematically. Understanding data is a process, the steps of which are the following:

1.  Collecting the data

2.  Summarizing the data

3.  Analyzing the data

4.  Interpreting the results and reporting them

Note that before carrying out any of the above, you have presumably formulated some underlying question or hypothesis that you wish to use the data to address. There are a few key approaches through which we can address scientific questions:

(i)   observation (natural history: see what occurs where and when and interpret the results based on differences in the locations or history),

(ii)  experiment (vary aspects of the environment in order to tease apart how the biological components respond), and

(iii) theory (make assumptions about the natural world and analyze the implications of those assumptions using verbal, graphical, and mathematical arguments).

Each of these approaches involves quantitative methods, and an objective of this text is to provide you with an understanding of some of these methods.

Step 1 above involves the area of design of experiments in which the process of data collection is determined based on the objectives of the study and the limitations imposed (e.g., cost, time, available personnel, accessibility of the study area, etc.). Design implies that the scientist considers alternative methods to collect the data as well as the manner in which the factors deemed to affect the data collection are manipulated. Examples would be determining

•  where and when to put out traps to collect animals in the field,

•  how many replicates of an evaluation test to use in estimating the efficacy of a new drug,

•  how many different levels of growth medium with what nutrient constituents to use in evaluating the impact of a new antibiotic on bacterial population growth in the lab,

•  the response of an organism's respiration rate to temperature,

•  how many different temperature treatments are applied, in what order, and for how long.

Step 2 in the process is typically called descriptive statistics, in which the objective is to abstract out certain properties of the data in order to better interpret them. The assumption here is that the data are too complex for us to understand well by simply looking at them as lists or tables. The simplest example of this is the computation of an average value of the data. Many of us obtain a better grasp of a data set by having some summary of the data available, particularly in graphical form, rather than simply a tabular elaboration of the data. Note that whatever methods are utilized here, there is a loss of information associated with the description provided: the description (e.g., the average value of the data) does not include the full amount of information in the complete data set. An objective in descriptive statistics is to choose the appropriate level of description between complete enumeration of the data and a coarse simple summary (such as the average value) so as to be able to address the questions you posed in the first place. As an example, consider the height of all students in a course. Having these displayed as a long list would not be readily useful, whereas if we state that the average height of students is 165 cm, you have a simple means of comparing the students in the course to the students in another course. More information would be provided by a histogram (bar chart) of the heights of the students in the course, but even then there would be some loss of information since we could not develop from the histogram the full list of heights of all students in the course.

Step 3 in the process typically involves the area of inferential statistics, which consists of parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Parameter estimation refers to using the data to determine estimates of values of particular interest (respiration rate, photosynthetic rate, hemoglobin level, etc.) from the observations. One might then use the data to evaluate hypotheses (respiration rate increases with temperature, the hemoglobin content of two species differs) in which one compares a null hypothesis (respiration rate is independent of temperature) to an alternative hypothesis (respiration rate increases with temperature).

Step 4 uses the results of the inferential statistics developed to evaluate the results of the observations and provide an interpretation of the results (there is a significant effect of temperature on respiration, and this implies that the species has limited latitudinal range due to the effects of temperature; two species differ significantly in their photosynthetic rate, and you expect one species to outcompete the other under certain environmental conditions).

This first unit of the text will focus on the descriptive statistics aspects of the above process. All life scientists are well served by being exposed to a formal statistics course that includes aspects of experimental design and hypothesis testing, so you are encouraged to enhance your training in this area beyond the limited coverage included here. The emphasis on descriptive statistics arises because of regular comments by life science practitioners that an extremely important aspect of quantitative training for their colleagues is the ability to interpret graphs and to utilize diverse graphical approaches to explain and interpret experiments.



Basic Descriptive Statistics

1.1   Types of Biological Data

Any observation or experiment in biology involves the collection of information, and this may be of several general types:

Data on a Ratio Scale

Consider measuring heights of plants. The difference in height between a 20-cm-tall plant and a 24-cm-tall plant is the same as that between a 26-cm-tall plant and a 30-cm-tall plant. These data have a constant interval size. They also have a true zero point on the measurement scale, so that ratios of measurements make sense (e.g., it makes sense to state that one plant is three times as tall as another). A measurement scale that has constant interval size and a true zero point is called a ratio scale. For example, this applies to measurements of weights (mg, kg), lengths (cm, m), volumes (cc, cu m), and lengths of time (s, min).

Data on an Interval Scale

Measurements with an interval scale but having no true zero point are of this type. Examples are temperatures measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit: it makes no sense to say that 40 degrees is twice as hot as 20 degrees. Absolute temperatures, however, are measured on a ratio scale.

Data on an Ordinal Scale

Data that can be ordered according to some measurements are on an ordinal scale. Examples would be rankings based on size of objects, the speed of an individual relative to another individual, the depth of the orange hue of a shirt, and so on. In some cases (e.g., size), there may be an underlying ratio scale, but if all that is provided is a ranking of individuals (e.g., you are told only that tomato genotype A is larger than tomato genotype B, not how much larger), there is a loss of information if we are given only the ranking on an ordinal scale. Quantitative comparisons are not possible on an ordinal scale (how can one say that one shirt is half as orange as another?).

Data on a Nominal Scale

When a measurement is classified by an attribute rather than by a quantitative, numerical measurement, then it is on a nominal scale (male or female; genotype AA, Aa or aa; in the taxa Pinus or in the taxa Abies; etc.). Often, these are called categorical data because you classify the data elements according to their category.

Continuous vs. Discrete Data

When a measurement can take on any conceivable value along a continuum, it is called continuous. Weight and height are continuous variables. When a measurement can take on only one of a discrete list of values, it is discrete. The number of arms on a starfish, the number of leaves on a plant, and the number of eggs in a nest are all discrete measurements.

1.2    Summary of Descriptive Statistics of Data Sets

Any time a data set is summarized by its statistical information, there is a loss of information. That is, given the summary statistics, there is no way to recover the original data. Basic summary statistics may be grouped as

(i)   measures of central tendency (giving in some sense the central value of a data set) and

(ii)  measures of dispersion (giving a measure of how spread out that data set is).

Measures of Central Tendency

Arithmetic Mean (the average)

If the data collected as a sample from some set of observations have values x1, x2, …, xn ) is

Note the use of the ∑ notation in the above expression, that is,


The median is the middle value: half the data fall above this and half below. In some sense, this supplies less information than the mean since it considers only the ranking of the data, not how much larger or smaller the data values are. But the median is less affected than the mean by outlier points (e.g., a really large measurement or data value that skews the sample). The LD 50 is an example of a median: the median lethal dose of a substance (half the individuals die after being given this dose, and half survive). For a list of data x1, x2, …, xn, to find the median, list these in order from smallest to largest. This is known as ranking the data. If n place on this list. If n positions on this list.

Quartiles arise when the sample is broken into four equal parts (the right end point of the 2nd quartile is the median), quintiles when five equal parts are used, and so on.


The mode is the most frequently occurring value (or values; there may be more than one) in a data set.


The midrange is the value halfway between the largest and smallest values in the data set. So, if xmin and xmax are the smallest and largest values in the data set, then the midrange is

Geometric Mean

The geometric mean of a set of n data is the nth root of the product of the n data values,

The geometric mean arises as an appropriate estimate of growth rates of a population when the growth rates vary through time or space. It is always less than the arithmetic mean. (The arithmetic mean and the geometric mean are equal if all the data have the same value.)

Harmonic Mean

The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the data,

It also arises in some circumstances as the appropriate overall growth rate when rates vary.

Example 1.1 (Describing a Data Set Using Measures of Central Tendency)

After developing some heart troubles, John was told to monitor his heart rate. He was advised to measure his heart rate six times a day for 3 days. His heart rate was measured in beats per minute (bpm).

(a)  What was John's mean heart rate over the 3 days? Calculate the three different means (arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic).

(b)  What was John's median heart rate?

(c)  What were the modes of John's heart rate?

(d)  What was the midrange of John's heart rate?


(a)  Arithmetic mean:

Geometric mean:

Harmonic mean:

Notice that the three means do not yield equal values.

(b)  Arranging the numbers from smallest to largest, we get

Since there are 18 data points, we take the average of the middle two numbers: 82 and 83. Thus, the median is 82.5.

(c)  There are three modes in this data set: 70, 72, and 83.

. Notice that this is different from the median.

Measures of Dispersion


The range is the largest minus the smallest value in the data set: xmax – xmin. This does not account in any way for the manner in which data are distributed across the range.


The variance is the mean sum of the squares of the deviations of the data from the arithmetic mean of the data. The best estimate of this (take a good statistics class to find out how best is defined) is the sample variance, obtained by taking the sum of the squares of the differences of the data values from the sample mean and dividing this by the number of data points minus one,

where n is the number of data points in the data set, xi is the ith data point in the data set x is the arithmetic mean of the data set x.

Standard Deviation

The variance has square units, so it is usual to take its square root to obtain the standard deviation,

which has the same units as the original measurements. The higher the standard deviation s, the more dispersed the data are around the mean.

Both the variance and the standard deviation have values that depend on the measurement scale used. So measuring body weights of newborns in grams will produce much higher variances than if the same newborns were measured in kilograms. To account for the measurement scale, it is typical to use the coefficient of variability (sometimes called the coefficient of variance): the standard deviation divided by the arithmetic mean, which is dimensionless and has no units. This coefficient of variability is thus independent of the measurement scale used.

Example 1.2 (Describing a Data Set Using Measure of Dispersion)

In a summer ecology research program, Jane is asked to count the number of trees per hectare in five different sampling locations in King's Canyon National Park in California. Each sampling location is referred to as a plot, and each plot is a different size. Here are the data she collected:

Given the data Jane collected, (a) construct the data set that represents the number of trees per hectare for each of the five plots and then calculate the (b) range, (c) variance, and (d) standard deviation of the data set you constructed.


(a)  For each plot, the number of trees per hectare is

For example, the first plot has 20/1.5 = 13.3 trees/hectare. Thus, the data set that represents the number of trees per hectare for each of the five plots is

x = {13.3, 13.5, 24.6, 18.7, 10.9}.

(b)  To calculate the range, we need to know xmax and xmin (the maximum and minimum values of the data set x). Looking at the data set constructed in (a), xmin = 10.9 and xmax = 24.6. Thus,

range = 24.6 − 10.9 = 13.7.

(c)  Recall that to calculate the variance of a data set, you must first know the arithmetic mean of that data set. For the data set constructed in (a),

Then, the variance is

(d)  Recall that the standard deviation of a data set is the square root of the variance of that data set. Thus, the standard deviation is

Dispersion over Nominal Scale Data and the Simpson Index

All the above measures of dispersion apply to ratio scale data. For nominal scale data, there is no mean or variance that makes sense, but there certainly can be a measure of how spread out the data are among the various categories, a concept called diversity. In ecology, the two main factors taken into account when measuring diversity are richness and evenness. Species richness is the number of different species present, while evenness is a measure of the relative abundance of the different species making up the richness of an area. The area has uneven diversity if virtually all the individuals found are of one species with only rare individuals of the other species. The area has even diversity if all species have the same abundances. Simpson's index of diversity (SID) is one of several diversity indices. The SID represents the probability that two individuals randomly selected from a sample will belong to different species. In a certain area or sample, let

where ni is the number of individuals in species i, N is the total number of individuals, and S is the number of species. Then, the SID is

SID = 1 − D.

When SID is close to 1, the sample is considered to be highly diverse.

1.3   Matlab Skills

If you are not familiar with the software Matlab, review Getting Started with Matlab in Appendix A.

Entering Data Sets in Matlab

In Matlab, data sets are entered as arrays, and arrays are denoted with square brackets: [ ]. If we wanted to enter the trees per hectare data from Example 1.2, we would type

[13.3 13.5 24.6 18.7 10.9]

into Matlab. Notice that the data points in the set are separated by spaces. If we want to refer back to this data set using Matlab, we need to name the data set. In Example 1.2, we called the data set x. To call the data set x in Matlab, we type

x = [13.3 13.5 24.6 18.7 10.9]

into Matlab. Now, whenever we want to refer back to our data set, we can just use x instead of typing the entire data set again.

Table 1.1. Matlab commands for a variety of descriptive statistics. In each case, x refers to the data set.

Calculating Descriptive Statistics in Matlab

Now that we know how to enter our data sets into Matlab, we can use Matlab to quickly compute basic descriptive statistics. Table 1.1 shows the commands for the descriptive statistics described earlier in this chapter.

Each of the commands in Table 1.1 returns its corresponding answer and names the answer ans. If we wish to save the answer for future use, we must name the output of the command. For example, if we wish to save the arithmetic mean, we can type

xbar = mean(x)

into Matlab. If you are typing this into the command window, you will see that the value that is returned is named xbar.

Notice there are no commands for calculating the range or the midrange. We can calculate these, however, by using the min and max commands. To calculate the midrange, we use

(min(x) + max(x))/2

and to calculate the range, we use

max(x) − min(x)

As an example, suppose we wanted to calculate the mean, median, mode, midrange, geometric mean, harmonic mean, range, variance, and standard deviation for the data set in Example 1.1.

The following shows the input typed into the command window (always proceeded by ») and its corresponding output:

1.4   Exercises

1.1     The capacity for physical exercise (in seconds) was determined for each of 11 patients who were being treated for chronic heart failure.

(a)  Determine the mean and the median of the data.

(b)  Determine the geometric and harmonic means of the data.

(c)  How do the three different measures of the mean differ?

1.2     Daily crude oil output (in millions of barrels) for the U.S. is shown below for the years 1971 to 1990.

Compute the mean, median, and mode for the data.

1.3     Suppose the scale of a data set is changed by multiplying each measurement by a positive constant. How would this affect the mean, median, mode, and range?

1.4     Ten hospital employees on a standard American diet agreed to adopt a vegetarian diet for 1 month. Below is the change in the serum cholesterol level (before – after).

(a)  Compute the median and mean change in cholesterol.

(b)  Compute the range, variance, and standard deviation of the data. Are the data fairly spread out or close together?

1.5     Twelve sheep were fed pingue (a toxin-producing weed of the southwestern United States) as a part of an experiment and died as a result. The time of death in hours after the ingestion of pingue for each sheep follows:

Compute the range, variance, and standard deviation of the sample.

1.6     The National Weather Service reports data on the number of hurricanes to strike the United States in decades in the last century (using the Saffir-Simpson category). Calculate the mean of the number of hurricanes per decade.

1.7     Consider these two sets of data [70]:

For both sets of data, calculate the range, median, the first quartile, and the third quartile. Do these values adequately represent the distribution in each data set?

1.8     Suppose the mean score on a national test is 400 with a standard deviation of 50. If each score is increased by 25, what are the new mean and standard deviation?

1.9     Suppose the mean score on a national test is 400 with a standard deviation of 50. If each score is increased by 25%, what are the new mean and standard deviation?

1.10   Use the following simple data set to calculate the SID for these trees in a particular plot [18]. Interpret your results as a probability.

1.11 Below are some data from the Citizen Science program in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park that record the species of salamanders observed in a particular area in 2000 [18]. Calculate the SID for salamanders in this area using these data.



Visual Display of Data

2.1   Introduction

Data arise in biology from many sources, including observations of biological objects (e.g., cells and individuals) in natural settings, observations of biological objects that are involved in some manipulations (e.g., experiments that modify the growing conditions of cells or individuals), and outputs of computer models designed to analyze biological systems. In all these situations, one of the first and primary tools is simply to look at the data. Human visual systems are excellent at rapidly discerning patterns in data; however, as you know from optical illusions, our visual systems can be tricked on occasion. Sometimes we seem to discern patterns when a more rigorous analysis would show that no such pattern is present. Our objective in this chapter is to introduce you to some of the most basic methods that are used to display data. There is an extensive literature on more complex methods than we describe here, and we encourage you to look at the books and Web sites of Edward Tufte, who has been called the Leonardo da Vinci of data by the New York Times, for many other examples.

Visual analysis of data has several objectives. These include providing a quick summary of the major patterns in the data (if any), pointing out whether the data might be better viewed in a different format or using a different scaling, and suggesting new possible patterns that might be discerned by modifying the display in some manner. A poorly displayed data set can be misleading to a viewer. An example is the case in which a population might look as if it is declining rapidly, but the scales are chosen to cover only a small range of sizes. Figure 2.1 shows census data from Philadelphia scaled

Mathematics For The Life Sciences Pdf


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